Friday, March 24, 2017


(Please ignore all grammatical errors I typed this in my emotional mom moment)

I woke up this morning having a good feeling about how happy my girls wake up.  Ok so maybe their hair is a mess, their face is distorted...But what I mean is the glow they two young ones carry in their soul... It wasn't easy making a decision to be a divorced mom but It was a decision I had to make in order to be the best person I could be for them.  Making that decision also comes with baggage not bad baggage to me... just the decision to add more people to your circle.  

You have to ask yourself: 
Are you ready to have an extended family?
Are you ready to accept another person to be involved in your child's life?
Are you ready to accept another person in your ex's life?
Are you ready to split your time and be alone without your children?
Are you prepared to become one huge family, be divorced emotionally yet not physically from your ex spouse?
Did I find the perfect partner to accept your old life?
These are question you need to consider.
There should be no jealousy no animosity no anger no fear, after all we divorcees decided on this life change right?

I find it crazy how some people decide to break up out of their own selfish needs but forget the kids, then start ranting and raving about how "we don't need to be friends we aren't together anymore blah blah bah!" then suddenly a new wife or husband comes in and bam! It gets even worse! Thats not ok!
It absolutely cannot be that way.....It has to be ok, it has to be a normal thing to be around your ex and his or her new partner.  Your babies are watching your every move, what we do effects their lives and their relationships later in life.  It effects their every emotion and I choose to never kill or hurt my children soul... Over my dead body will I bring down my childs spirit. 
Hurting my child's other parent and extended family would mean hurting my child.  I refuse to be that selfish.

When you decide to be separated from your ex be prepared to tell your new partner that we still be married to our ex and his new wife/husband, they do not go away... There is no magic pill to make them poof be gone...And that is not always a bad thing.  Your all bonded together by  these cute little people you both wanna make happy and it never ends... this is forever! 
These little humans are going to grow up and have parties have weddings and babies and guess what we all still have to enjoy each others company passing these babies, passing drinks, food and beer maybe wine and yes all while all happily divorced together!

Now don't get me wrong what I'm saying does not mean go an hang out 24/7.  This is just to say that theres no reason to make drama for your children.  And having a good support system on both sides is whats best for their happiness.  

I have to say it has been a long road but we are all blessed in my situation we all want the same thing and I love that when it comes to my children there isn't any argument.  It is not a fight are all on the same team.  That glow that comes from children eyes brings me to emotional happiness.   My children are blessed with selfless people.  Although it hasn't always been perfect it has taken some time, its taking baby steps we are all on the right path.   We have the same great intentions to be happy and lead these kids to greatness.  

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