Lil Oaklin Kingston's Birthday party was a hit.  I managed to put together a first birthday party on a budget and the small royal feast was a hit.  It doesn't take too much to think of ideas on a budget once I get the Hamster rolling, my inner martha kicks in.

My gold obsession has been in me for like 2 years now and now that I'm obsessed I see it to be the latest trend.  

This invitation cost me $5.00 on etsy which I probably could have just made my self on my computer software and made it free but I just got lazy.  The the gold candy labels and water bottle labels as well.  Seriously paid like $4.00 for those on Esty but again with your simple Paint software it you can make them yourself.  The sad thing is I have my own ETSY STORE where I design custom invitations and um yeah I bought them from some else lol.  Just doesn't feel the same!

Chalk blocks are thee best! Because they can be re-used over and over and because they were $3.00 at my favorite store in the whole wide world! TARGET!

Chalk Board Easel has had its use...I got this from Walmart for like $6.00 -$9.00 and again re-useable this easel has had its party days! Again if your a real budgeter like me everything gets saved and re-used!

If your an avid Dollar Tree shopper then you recognize these glass vases.  I literally always keep six on stock for parties in which they again get used and re-used this vase is literally worth...hmmmmm let me do the math? I Paid $1.99 for the set of 5 crowns in a bag from a party store in my local town... I think they have these at Walmart and Family Dollar too then i paid $ 5.00 for a pack of O's? and $7.00 for the tissue balls a set of 10 on Amazon? So i literally paid $2.33 for the centerpieces!

We serve sandwiches from Walmart and chinese chicken salad from Costco, the menu and the dessert area was pretty easy anything cheap in the dessert section at Walmart lol.

I of course am a person of budget so I used my window curtains for table decor... Of course remember to carefully wash and steam before and after using them and make sure they don't shrink like I accidentally did with one panel lol.

I also my rounds at Dollar tree where I found wedding party favors and placed gold an white printable off the doesn't take a lot of money to plan a cute fancy party.  But if you need help and are in the 559 are feel free to email me I do plan parties on a budget.. :)

I wanted to make a cute area for presents just because I felt it was a mini royal affair so I came up with thing from my home, I was really happy with it and my guest loved it!

I do not ever want to hear anyone say that linens are expensive and so are the runners... With careful research I found these on Amazon the gold runners came around 7.00 for 5 and the whiten linens my mother in-law purchased at Walmart and sewed the edges it was cheaper then renting linens and we can use them again... 

Hope you enjoyed my little pics on a budget feel free to email with any questions.

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